Activities posted by UonumaRobert


    A group battle game similiar to Gang War, Robots invade the world and so forth. Good for review.

  • Junior High School Shopping Activities

    These are the worksheets and presentations I use for shopping lessons

  • Telephone Talk and Requests

    These are the worksheets I use for the various telephone talk lessons in New Crown

  • Why Chicks Why?

    A sign game and a write and race game for practicing Why and Because

  • Humpty Dumpty Game

    A pick the verb quiz and a writing game for simple past irregular verbs.

  • Telephone Skit Sign Game

    Students practice a simplified telephone dialogue and try and collect signs. Based on New Crown 1 Lesson 7 let's talk.

  • Magic Quiz

    A family feud style quiz game

  • Explain the Culture

    Use either as a poster for 'say the word' or as cards for 'taboo' and 'karuta'

  • Zapper Zoo

    A write and race powerpoint game. Useful for review.

  • How to make a powerpoint Point Game

    I've had a few of my coworkers ask to make these.

  • Flash Card Telepathy Game

    I usually use this to practice school subjects and week days

  • Gesture Quiz Game

    I usually use this gesture game to introduce present continuous.

  • What are animals doing GAME

    A point get game for practicing the present progressive.

  • Pencils and Bombs Review Quiz and Profile Game

    A quiz review game and then a writing activity.

  • FUN SHAPES 'Are as fun as it gets'

    A point get game for practicing 'She runs faster than me' and 'Cats are as cute as dogs'

  • Christmas Dash

    A Christmas Themed Race activity useful for reviewing various lessons

  • Christmas Quiz and Krampus Attacks

    Quizzes and either write and race or speak and race activities.

  • What would you like POINTS Mingler

    A mingler to practice polite requests and a write and race activity

  • Which vs. That Relative Clauses Quiz

    A powerpoint quiz to which clause to use

  • A bunch of Questions for Quizzes

    Questions lists focused on various grammar points