A group battle game similiar to Gang War, Robots invade the world and so forth. Good for review.
Junior High School Shopping Activities
These are the worksheets and presentations I use for shopping lessons
Telephone Talk and Requests
These are the worksheets I use for the various telephone talk lessons in New Crown
Why Chicks Why?
A sign game and a write and race game for practicing Why and Because
Humpty Dumpty Game
A pick the verb quiz and a writing game for simple past irregular verbs.
Telephone Skit Sign Game
Students practice a simplified telephone dialogue and try and collect signs. Based on New Crown 1 Lesson 7 let's talk.
Magic Quiz
A family feud style quiz game
Explain the Culture
Use either as a poster for 'say the word' or as cards for 'taboo' and 'karuta'
Zapper Zoo
A write and race powerpoint game. Useful for review.
How to make a powerpoint Point Game
I've had a few of my coworkers ask to make these.
Flash Card Telepathy Game
I usually use this to practice school subjects and week days
Gesture Quiz Game
I usually use this gesture game to introduce present continuous.
What are animals doing GAME
A point get game for practicing the present progressive.
Pencils and Bombs Review Quiz and Profile Game
A quiz review game and then a writing activity.
FUN SHAPES 'Are as fun as it gets'
A point get game for practicing 'She runs faster than me' and 'Cats are as cute as dogs'
Christmas Dash
A Christmas Themed Race activity useful for reviewing various lessons
Christmas Quiz and Krampus Attacks
Quizzes and either write and race or speak and race activities.
What would you like POINTS Mingler
A mingler to practice polite requests and a write and race activity
Which vs. That Relative Clauses Quiz
A powerpoint quiz to which clause to use
A bunch of Questions for Quizzes
Questions lists focused on various grammar points