
Family Tree Game

In groups, students listen to questions from the ALT about family members in a family tree and race to answer the question correctly. This is for the "who" grammar point.

Materials: 1) a computer/projector to show the PowerPoint
2) Prints of the handout

Aim: listening practice, "who"
Who is Dan's daughter? --> She is Hannah.
Who are Dan's children? --> They are Hannah and Ben.

  1. Hand out the handout.
  2. Use the PowerPoint to teach/review family-related vocabulary, which is also listed on the handout. Note: I have awesome JTEs who let me teach gender-neutral terms as well. This part starts on slide 20.
  3. Practice the English names on the family tree.
  4. Go over the example questions on the bottom of the sheet, and write "She is _. He is _. They are __." on the board so they know how to answer.
  5. After practicing a couple of questions, break the students into lunch groups.
  6. One person from each lunch group stands up. Only they can answer the question. Note: I do it like this because otherwise so many hands go in the air at once, and I have no idea who raised their hand first.
  7. Whoever raises their hand first can try and answer. If they get your question right, their team gets a point.

A possible twist that I haven't tried yet: Instead of giving them the question, give them the answer, and they have to come up with a question. This could be good with whiteboards to practice writing.

Submitted by rebvandev November 4, 2020 Estimated time: 30 minutes

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