
Present Perfect Tense Dice Game!

A fun board game to get students using the present perfect tense.

Adapted from Lynn Bunter's game above.

After teaching the students this grammar, divide class into groups of 3 or 4 students and give each group a di(c)e.

Explain the rules of the game:
* the goal is to finish the game but I always say they must have an exact finish in order to make it a little more difficult
* roll the dice to determine your move ie. 4
* begin with "I have..." and then read the sentence in the present perfect tense ie. take the train becomes "...taken the train..."
* add the corresponding timeframe ie. "...since last year."
* the full sentence is "I have taken the train since last year."
* the next person has their turn
* free = rest, trade places = switch with a player of your choice (this isn't advantageous if you're already in the lead), go ahead = plus, go back = minus

This can get boring after a while so either set a time limit or end the game once the first person in the class finishes.

Submitted by mikanmudcake February 18, 2021 Estimated time: 15 - 20 mins
Inspired by Past Tense Dice Game

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