
'Which' Fortune Telling!

Speaking Acitivity Using 'which'

First, I ask students if they know what fortune telling is and we confirm what it is in Japanese. I also like to run through a quick explanation of the grammar point 'which' with my JTE before starting.

First, they should write the letters ‘A~F’ randomly in the boxes below.
Next they should right a fortune on the blank like next to the letter F at the top. ( I use ‘Tomorrow, I will _______.’ as an example on the board.) If it is a lower level class I let them write their fortunes in Japanese.
Students should practice how to ask the questions with teachers before starting. I also recommend teachers do a demo in front of that class before starting the activity.

How to play:
Students should walk around the room asking one question person using ‘which’. Everyone starts with the same question ‘which do you like, summer or winter?’ first. For example, student A asks ‘which do you like, summer or winter?’ and student B should answer ‘I like summer/winter’. If student B said ‘winter’ than Student A should move on to another student and ask them ‘which do you like cats or dogs?’. Students should continue in this pattern until they reach the bottom/one of the boxed letters. The letter in the box they land on will determine their fortune.

When everyone is done I go through the fortunes one by one for the students and ask the students who got F’s to share their fortunes with the class. Fortunes A through E are on the last slides of the power point.

Lastly, I give the students a few minutes to think of their own question using which and have a few students present them to the class in pairs.

(You could also use this activity to focus on Future tense(I will).)

Small files
  • fortune telling WS.docx (242 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Which Fortune Telling!.pptx (1.82 MB)
  • 13
    Submitted by okialt January 24, 2022 Estimated time: 15~20 min.
    1. UonumaRobert January 24, 2022

      Classic game. When we used to do this back before PowerPoint was popular we made posters for each fortune result. It might be good to separate each result onto its own illustrated slide.

    2. okialt January 25, 2022

      @UonumaRobert That's a good idea! Thanks!

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