
"Which do you like __ or __?" Fortune-telling game

Students ask 3 questions to tell their classmates fortunes

There are 6 bubbles to fill in with "_______ or _______", and 6 blank lines to write fortunes.

First, have the students fill in each bubble with two nouns and each line with a fortune.
I`ve found that some students over-think this or have trouble thinking of what to write.
So, I try to give a lot of examples, and stress that it doesn`t have to be "perfect".
I also remind students that the two things have to be similar- i.e. you can compare cats vs. dogs, but not cats vs. apples.

Example nouns:

  • Pepsi or Cola?
  • Ps4 or Switch?
  • Manga or Anime?
  • Chocolate or vanilla?

Example fortunes:

  • You will find 2,000 yen.
  • You will get an A.
  • You will oversleep.
  • You will forget your textbook.

Next, have the students fold over their sheets so the fortunes are hidden.
Then, ask their partner the question from the first bubble. If yes, go to the top bubble, if no, go to the bottom bubble. Continue until they have their fortune!

If there is extra time, I sometimes ask the students if they got a particularly interesting fortune and what it was. Or I have a student read the teacher`s fortune (sometimes I`ll give a sticker to this student).

(Note: you can use this format to practice various questions/ grammar points)

Submitted by ZoeDeborah June 30, 2021 Estimated time: 15~20 minutes

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