
Countries - Sleeping Panda

This is a game about naming flags of different countries.

-Students form groups of four.
-Members of each group are numbered from 1-4.
-Students will all “sleep” (heads down).
-Teacher will call numbers and they will “wake up.”
-Student must remember what they see, and go back to sleep.
-Everyone “wakes up” and writes down the name of the country (either in katakana or in english) on a paper or a small white board.
- Each group will raise their paper/white board so the teacher can check the answers.

I got the sleeping panda power point template from

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Countries - Sleeping Panda.pptx (1.32 MB)
  • 8
    Submitted by chacha April 12, 2022 Estimated time: 10 mins.

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