Game dice
copy of game board
game peices( Let students use their favorite items or print out some game pieces online (not included).
Print a copy of the game board ( per table if you have many students- up to 6 students per game board is recommended for control). Janken to decide who starts. If you have a small group the ALT can ask the questions, however if you have large groups, I recommend that after each round, students take terms being the Game Controller ( the person to ask the questions).
This game took 40 mins playing with my special needs students so you may need to adjust for your class level. It is a great review game for this level.
Note: Pictures of objects are for the "what is this question?". People- "Who is this?" . If you have individual groups running the game the "Ask the Alt" becomes a challenge question and I usually put a timer on it of 15 secs to find the ALT and ask a question. If they can't ask in time they go back 2 spaces.