
English Board Game- Special Needs/Grade 1 Unit 1-2

A board game focusing on Unit 1-2 key sentences and greetings. Great for special needs.

Game dice
copy of game board
game peices( Let students use their favorite items or print out some game pieces online (not included).

Print a copy of the game board ( per table if you have many students- up to 6 students per game board is recommended for control). Janken to decide who starts. If you have a small group the ALT can ask the questions, however if you have large groups, I recommend that after each round, students take terms being the Game Controller ( the person to ask the questions).

This game took 40 mins playing with my special needs students so you may need to adjust for your class level. It is a great review game for this level.

Note: Pictures of objects are for the "what is this question?". People- "Who is this?" . If you have individual groups running the game the "Ask the Alt" becomes a challenge question and I usually put a timer on it of 15 secs to find the ALT and ask a question. If they can't ask in time they go back 2 spaces.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • English board Game Review.doc (1.97 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by anantodam July 12, 2022 Estimated time: 15- 20 mins

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