
Super Punch-Out

A boxing based points game.

Super Punch-Out!

This is one for the oldies. I had a day isolating/working at home and couldn`t get to my work files, so I made this. It is based on the Super Nintendo (Super Famicom) game of the same name and intended for a race and speak style activity. Inspired by Mr Rob Uonuma and flush with some birthday money, I splurged on a big USB Enter Key (you can find them on Amazon for around ¥1600) and I am already thinking of lots of different ways to use it. If you don‘t want to get an Enter Key, then you will need to figure some other way to get the students to do it (pretend swing or clap with a wireless mouse in your pocket to trigger the animation similar to my other Test Your Strength activity).

I set up the Enter Key on a table in front of the TV and explain they shouldn‘t hit it too hard (if it bounces off the table, they lose points). I use the first screen after the title screen as a demo. Make sure to tell them to hit it and not lean on it or press it down, as this will cause the PowerPoint to move through some slides and mess the animation up.

-Students in groups.
-Ask a question or say a sentence in Japanese and the students run to the ALT or JTE to say their answer (or write it on an answer sheet/whiteboard).
-If they can complete the task, they get a chance to have a go on Glass Joe!
-Punch the Enter Key (or using your alternative) and get points.

Notes: You will need to skip to the next slide after each punch. Also, I split the slides into groups of 24 so that I can juggle the slide order around within those 24. It keeps a one in three chance of a KO or getting punched back (minus points). Click on the picture of Glass Joe on any slide to get to the victory screen at the end. The music is quite loud so I have it quite low initially and turn it up again when we start the activity.

Quite simple and great fun. I really hope you guys enjoy using it! Have a great weekend!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Super Punch Out!.pptx (19 MB)
  • 20
    Submitted by jiggswalsh September 9, 2022 Estimated time: 10-40 Depending on use.
    Inspired by Test Your Strength!
    1. UonumaRobert September 9, 2022

      Fantastic. I've been thinking about getting one of those plush enter keys. I think this settles it.

    2. jiggswalsh September 9, 2022

      It‘s quite well made and, with a warning, the students have played nice with it. It has at least lasted a week with a reasonable class load of overzealous 1st and 3rd graders at JHS!

    3. UonumaRobert September 9, 2022

      I'd probably put it on a cushion or something else as well. For the kids who swing wild and miss the key.

    4. HTemple September 9, 2022

      Love the creativity of animations people get up to in Powerpoint! Makes me wish I spent more money on a better work laptop. These kinds of slides tend to skip animations frequently for me -.-

    5. Jake W September 21, 2022

      It must be Gabby Jay's day off!

    6. jiggswalsh September 22, 2022

      @Jake We have a fan!! If I have to isolate again, I might bring in other boxers...

    7. Umakara September 27, 2022



    8. VinShida November 2, 2022

      Great ppt! Bonus points for nostalgia!!!

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