
Question Word (gimonshi) Blast!

This is a simple group activity to practice the use of indirect questions, specifically grammar from New Horizon 2 Unit 5. For example, "I know how to use these products."

MATERIALS: Powerpoint and a way to present it, whiteboards, dry-erase markers, tissues or something to erase with, a timer

Connect your computer/tablet to your classroom display, and draw up a scoreboard.


Divide students into groups of 5-6 and have them janken to decide their writing order. Have one person from each group come up to get a whiteboard, marker, and tissue.

I usually show one slide as an example so they understand the question format, but since they're pretty simple it's up to you. Present the scenario by saying "My (friend, mom, doctor, coach, etc...) told me..." and then just follow the powerpoint. For example, "My coach told me the game starts at 6p.m." (In this case the answer is "I know when the game starts"). Click to display the answer format, and have the students write the question word on their boards to fill in the blank. Collaboration is ok, but I only give them 10 to 15 seconds to answer since it's one word. You can adjust the time to your class level.

Have the students hold up their boards when the timer beeps and go around the room to have them read their answers in the given sentence. Award points to the correct answers and have them rotate boards to the next person so everyone has a chance to write.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 疑問詞 BLAST NH 5.2.pptx (1.61 MB)
  • 51
    Submitted by iamqualified October 7, 2022 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes
    1. GaeilgeAmee October 12, 2022

      I've been looking for a really simple game to practice this grammar point that doesn't take too long! Nice work!!

    2. HolliAnderson October 12, 2022

      This is great. We just went over this grammar at my visiting technical school. I shared it with my JTE. I think our grammar class would enjoy this!

    3. Miles October 13, 2022

      Also chiming in to say thanks for this one! I was struggling for a more engaging way of dealing with this grammar, with limited time to prepare for it.

    4. JackyKillian1701 December 3, 2022

      Thanks for uploading this. I've been having trouble thinking of something to do with my students.

    5. kusobaba May 25, 2023

      This is very good. Thanks!

    6. eigomaker1234 September 15, 2023

      This is a great grammar game. Simple and engaging! Thank you for sharing!

    7. HeyItsMori October 23, 2023

      Thank you for making this! Very simple and straightforward. :)

    8. tytine615 November 17, 2023

      Thank you for this! A very good and engaging activity game.

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