
Verb Guessing Game Kahoot

A Kahoot with 30 questions (quiz style with pictures) of verbs. This is a warm up game


Has pictures the students must choose the name of the action from the options. They have 10 secs to do so. Great warm up and review of the vocabulary. If the students are fast it only takes about 5 mins.

Submitted by anantodam October 19, 2022 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes
  1. Tohokuteach October 19, 2022

    For some reason the link doesn't work. I think you can only share it that way if the kahoot is public?

  2. anantodam October 31, 2022

    hi @tohokuteach, I made it public. Hopefully it works for you now. I'm new to Kahoots so if anyone has advice on what I should do if it still has an issue please let me know.

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