
Pronouns with Sailor Moon

This presentation is to showcase how to use the different pronouns, including singular they, using Sailor Moon characters.

The goal is to make the students use pronouns by describing a celebrity or character that they like. Before setting them loose with their tablets, this presentation gives examples of things they can say and how to use said pronouns. There is also an example of singular they, used in the context of not knowing someone's gender. When I read out the phrases, my JTE stepped in to translate and explain. After this short presentation, the students would be tasked with using personal subject, object, and possessive pronouns to describe a figure, real or fictional. While our classes used tablets to make their sentences and add pictures, this can of course be done on paper.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Pronouns with Sailor Moon.pptx (3.41 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by melamachi December 8, 2022 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes presentation, rest of class time for activity
    1. I Still Play Neopets December 19, 2022

      I love including "they" for Haruka! This looks so great ^^

    2. melamachi February 16, 2023

      Thank you, @I Still Play Neopets! I wanted to teach the kids about singular they using a gender ambiguous character, and Haruka was the first to come to mind!

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