
The Final Quiz Game

A new-style Typhoon quiz game with a twist


An exciting quiz game intended for review at the end of the school year. Its style is similar to Typhoon, but with a twist: Only a few of the numbered question tiles are available at the beginning of the game. As students answer questions, other ones will appear. In addition, there are 3 different types of question: Normal questions, which grant a few points, Event questions, which trigger events such as Janken Battles, stealing points, etc., and Special questions, which grant a lot of points. This encourages students to explore the board looking for the special questions to get lots of points.

I have left most of my questions in as examples. I originally used this game with 3rd-year SHS students, but of course it can be used with almost any level by changing the questions appropriately.

How to Play

Start by putting students in groups and giving each group a mini-whiteboard or something similar to write on. Set up a scoreboard on the blackboard to keep track of the groups' scores. Then, start the slideshow and use the instructions slide to explain how the game works. Next, proceed to the main board, where questions 1, 11, and 26 will be available. Have the first group pick a question, and click on its respective number. This will take you to the question slide. After giving some time for students to write the answer on their whiteboards, have all the groups hold up their whiteboards to show their answers. Then, click/advance the slide to reveal the answer.

Note that the question slides all have background music. The first click will stop the background music, and the second one will reveal the answer. Additionally, there are some slides which do not have answers, such as "write a sentence using ______, the longest sentence wins!".

Once you have revealed the answer, click on the wormhole icon on the bottom right corner to go to the reward slide. When I play this kind of game, I award points to all the groups who got the correct answer (with some exceptions, such as "the longest sentence wins", etc.) Keep track of the scores on the blackboard. Then, from the reward slide, click on the wormhole icon again to return to the main board screen. More questions will then appear around the one that was just answered. Ask the next group to choose the next question, click on it, and continue play.

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  • Final Quiz Game (Dist Version).pptx (75.2 MB)
  • 46
    Submitted by GoldenMew_Suprema February 20, 2023 Estimated time: 50-60 minutes
    1. msbanana February 20, 2023

      This is so cool! Will give it a try for my final class with my 3rd years! Thank you so much.

    2. jojo27 February 21, 2023

      LOVE the music! Nice job.

    3. hall1428 February 24, 2023

      I love this, especially the "American dog" slide, haha! What's up with the "God makes no mistakes" slide though? Can't tell if it's a troll or not

    4. genieg February 28, 2023

      This reminds me of playing some mystery smarthphone games. I just love it. I love the concept! Thank you so much!!

    5. MarinaS February 28, 2023

      I used this in my class today and it worked very well! The students were excited. I usually play Jeopardy, but I decided to try this to give the students something new. I like this because rather than one team answering at a time, all the students can be engaged for every question and they like using the white boards rather than saying the answer out loud. I didn't want to buy a bunch of white boards, so I laminated some white sheets of paper instead. Thanks!

    6. saemmalee February 28, 2023

      I love this powerpoint! The pictures and animations are so fun. The only thing I would add is in the comments section, I would write how much each question is worth (so you can edit the question accordingly). If anyone else is curious:

      Points: Question Number
      2 points: 1, 2, 18, 28
      3 points: 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 15, 22, 24, 26, 29
      4 points: 19
      5 points: 16
      6 points: 5, 20,
      8 points: 3, 6, 17, 21, 27, 30
      13 points: 13
      Pirate/-5: 8, 23
      Janken/+6: 10, 12, 25

    7. kusobaba March 2, 2023

      Great quiz! Thank you! Looks great and is super easy to edit for different grades (especially after @saemmalee kindly posted the question values above - thanks for that). One thing I found is that the music on the main (question numbers) screen can't be turned off by clicking - it just goes to the first slide. Is this just happening for me? It would be great to be able to turn it off with a click like the other music embedded because it's difficult to hear the students choosing the next number.

    8. forDLs March 2, 2023

      @kusobaba " it's difficult to hear the students choosing the next number" I had the same problem but still really cool quiz.

      1.Click 画面切り替え on the top bar
      2.Then on the right click the サウンド drop down menu
      3.Select サウンドなし

    9. kusobaba March 3, 2023

      Thanks @forDLS! The sounds in this are great and now I have a silent main menu. And it's Friday!

    10. greenteapeople March 9, 2023

      I've used this game in all of my classes and everyone's loved it! The graphics and the music really add to the atmosphere. Great job (^ᴗ^)b

      Also thank you to @saemmalee for saving me so much time!

    11. GoldenMew_Suprema April 7, 2023

      Thanks to @saemmalee for writing out the point numbers, I hadn't thought to include it in the comments but it's good information. Also, it's possible to change the point value of any question simply by changing which slide the wormhole icon on the bottom right is linked to.

    12. tommie June 12, 2023

      Could you try to compress this file and reupload it? It's not possible to download this file without a subscription to the website currently.

    13. Ninja3 September 6, 2023

      I`m sad because I cannot download the PowerPoint. Same problem @ Tommie.

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