
ES 5th Year Review Jeopardy

A Jeopardy style review game with questions that reflect the content from New Horizon Elementary 5.

A Jeopardy style review game with questions that reflect the content from New Horizon Elementary 5. These students are still unable to read or write and struggle with grammar points but tend to be stronger at remembering vocabulary, so there are many pictures, instructions in Japanese and very basic grammar questions even in the 'more difficult' levels.

There are 7 groups in each 5nen class so I intend to let them go in a random order (picked through janken) and let them pick one question mark from each 'level'. If they get the question they have chosen wrong, another group has the opportunity to steal the points from them.

The powerpoint as a whole is a bit ugly but I do not have the skills nor time to fix it unfortunately.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • review game.pptx (26.2 MB)
  • 24
    Submitted by bee65 March 8, 2023 Estimated time: 40 mins
    1. VinShida March 10, 2023

      Hey thanks for putting this together! I'll use this with my class!

      Oh, I also found a small mistake:
      Hot dog, popcorn, and coffee comes out to 630 yen. (not 650)

    2. GaliH December 5, 2023

      Great game. Thanks for sharing. Kids loved it.

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