
Kirby "What do you want to do?"

Family Feud style game for "I want to" (infinitive) grammar point with a fun kirby theme!

Kirby Feud game heavily inspired by MAGIC QUIZ, redesigned for the 6th grade Junior Sunshine Unit 4 I want to~ grammar point. This is a power point game, a worksheet to help visualize each question, and a helpful verb translation sheet. If your students are more advanced, feel free to not use these when playing the game. Eventually my students didn't need them after multiple plays

How to play:

1) Introduce the topic and drill the verbs. Help them to understand they must have I want TO ~~~~~
2) Create teams of 5. I like to allow my teams to create their own names.
3) First round is a practice round that you should demonstrate with your JTE.
4) Ask the JTE the first question i.e What do you want to eat?
5) After the JTE answers, have them pick a color. I suggest avoiding the angel kirby and metaknight the first time, so nudge them to pick the color without them.
6) Next, you demonstrate answering the question. Feel free to pick the angel kirby or metaknight this time.
7) Angels are worth 5 points and metaknight is worth -3. Once these are picked, the round is over and move onto the next question
8) At the end of each question, an example sentence is shown to drive home the grammar point.
9) You can have the teams janken for the order to play OR I like to have whoever stands up and shouts HAI!!! is the team who gets to go first, just like a real feud game. The kids love it too.
10) Teams can use their verb sheet, and worksheet to help answer the questions.
11) Click the sleeping Kirby in the corner if you need to end the game early!

I also created a small little mini-game to help drill the VOCAB for this unit, and to help the LOSING team get back in the game. I notice the losers often get demotivated, so this is a little opportunity for them to surpass everyone and feel good.

How to play:
1) Find the losing team
2) Ask them if they want to play. If they say yes, press the check mark. If they say no... well you'll see what kirby thinks about that ;)
3) Go through each picture and add up points for each one they get correct
4) When you get to the angel kirby (+5) press the tomato in the bottom left corner to get back to the regular game
5) If the team gets it wrong, you can either hit the tomato and move on, or allow another team to STEAL. Up to you.

The winner of the game is the team with most points.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • I want to... game 6th grade.pptx (27.8 MB)
  • help sheet.docx (1.11 MB)
  • kirby feud worksheet.docx (1.11 MB)
  • 22
    Submitted by juliabiv July 12, 2023 Estimated time: 15 minutes
    Inspired by Magic Quiz
    1. mmejiap July 2, 2024

      thank you for this, i really appreciate it. i somehow don't have any of the audio. my computer is a bit funky, is there anyway you can tell me what the name of the audios are and then i'll just search them and add them myself. thanks anyways!!

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