
Halloween: Make a Monster

Students roll a dice for random traits and must make a monster out of this.

Firstly, I checked the reading and meaning of words with the students. The last line is more unique vocabulary so many of them were unfamiliar.

Then, I demonstrated with the JTE how to do the activity.

Give each student a dice. They must roll 5 times to get 5 traits for their monsters. They should write the traits in the blanks on the other page. Then, they need to draw a monster based on these traits. They can choose if their monster is he, she or it. They also must think of a name for their monster.

You can also let students present their monster if there's extra time.

We had some pretty interesting and funny monsters last year so students really enjoyed this!

Submitted by ashtoneleanorjp July 28, 2023 Estimated time: 45 minutes

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