
What do you like?

Can be used as an intro, review lesson or time filler for Let’s try 1 Unit 5

  1. Review all the colors.
  2. Play color missing game.
  3. Practice:
    What color do you like?
    I like —-.

  4. Game time!
    Students pair up and play janken. The janken loser asks “What color do you like?” Then the winner gets to pick a color on the TV screen and answer “I like—-“. The loser gets the other remaining color.

A star and a zombie fish will appear.
If a ZOMBIE FISH lands on their color, they lose. If a STAR lands on their color, they win.

The category changes from color to fruit to character.

The students can get really wild during the game especially when they see their favorite characters. Have fun!

Note: this is best used with keynote but there are websites you can use to convert the slides to PowerPoint

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • colors 2.key (12 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by marksee September 26, 2023 Estimated time: 20 min
    1. Mullberry September 29, 2023

      Hahah Iove how simple it! At one of my ES I was one VERY wild 3 grade class! To the point if we aren't playing a game the whole time they just talk over me and we get nothing down. I will give this a try a long with another few games I have for them. Now only if they will stop talking to we can actually have time to play the game >_<

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