
It is hard for me to eat octopus

It is impossible for us to make this grammar point an activity. No, the students will go wild for this!

S's make groups of 5.
Distribute one small whiteboard or some sheets of paper to each group, one activity sheet, and ask the group members to write one sentence each using the adjective list and target grammar.
Remind the students to keep their answers a group secret.
Assign numbers to groups, and draw the numbered point boxes representing the groups on the board. (Ask the JTE to handle this)

Tell the groups to choose one member to read a random written sentence from the activity sheet.
Start with group 1, and have the member stand up to read.
Only the other groups may answer.
Give 5 seconds for them to guess the name of the student who wrote the sentence, and have their chosen member write the name on their whiteboard or blank paper.
Count down to zero, and command the students to raise up and show their guess, you may choose to disallow late answers.
S's will often write names in Japanese, so have the JTE check and record a point on the board for each correct guess.
Go to the next group and continue until the 1st round is complete, and then go up to as many rounds you need depending on time.
A teacher can circle the groups who have the most points on the board at the end of the game.

Submitted by godmoney October 6, 2023 Estimated time: 20-40 mins

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