
Picture Dictionary Food&Money cards for Cafe Shop

Cards to use for students to run a cafe. Junior Horizon 5th grade.

Print the number of cards necessary, cut and laminate.

Laminating Alternative: I make cards slightly smaller than standard trading card size and then put them into clear card sleeves. Since I am a trading card collector, I recycle my old broken sleeves for this purpose.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 1.docx (2.11 MB)
  • 2.docx (2.29 MB)
  • 3.docx (2.41 MB)
  • 4.docx (1.95 MB)
  • background.docx (1.64 MB)
  • money.docx (1.34 MB)
  • money2.docx (1.46 MB)
  • 14
    Submitted by anoldalt October 11, 2023 Estimated time:
    1. jojo27 November 1, 2023

      I like the cards! Is there a way to edit the content, like prices and food names? I couldn't do it in Word.

    2. anoldalt November 14, 2023

      @jojo27. Sadly, no. It's hard coded, but if you an image editor it can be done.

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