
Typhoon 🌀

A review game where students play in teams and answer Qs in hopes of getting a good card. But they’re at risk of sabotaging themselves or all teams!


19/10/2023: Finally updated and made new typhoon cards. Please check them out below. :)

Link to download PPT (over 40mb):

Materials to Make:

  • Point cards (20 pts x6, 40 pts x6, 60 pts x6, 80 pts, 100 pts x6)
  • Typhoon card x5
  • Bomb card x5
  • Swap card x5
  • Steal card x5
  • [OPTIONAL] Team points cards (or you can write the points on the blackboard)

Things to Buy:

  • Whiteboards x6
  • Whiteboard markers x6 (with erasers attached if possible) NOTE: Can be purchased at your local 100 yen store (Seria/Daiso)
  • A bag to put all your point and mystery cards in
  • Adhesive magnets to stick on your point and mystery cards so you can stick them on the blackboard (They’re called マグネットシートin Japanese)

TLDR Ver: (For a more detailed explanation, please look at NOTES in the PPT file)

  • Make groups (6 works best)
  • Tell students to do rock, paper, scissors to decide the order (順番)
  • Students answer the question (they must raise the whiteboard up when they finish writing)
  • The fastest team with the correct answer to choose a card on the blackboard (there'll be some Qs where it is the best answer, not the fastest written answer, please look at my word doc of all the Qs you can use)
  • The team with the most points wins!

Cards I use:

Points - 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 points
Swap - Swap one / all point cards with another team
Steal - Steal one / all point cards from another team
Bomb - Lose one / all point cards from another team
Typhoon - All teams lose all points

Other cards I've seen other ALTs use:

x2 Points - Double current points / a point card
Challenge - Team has to do a random challenge to get the points, tongue twister, do star jumps, count from 1-10, etc.
Magic Card - A team gets a random magic spell card that they can use only once (steal card, shield card, etc.)
Roll a Dice - Student gets to roll a dice, and depending on what they roll, they get that many points. E.g. Rolls a 7, = 70 points

NOTE: A fairer way to play is to have the team only lose one point card/half their points instead of losing all their points.

Other things to note:

  • You can add all the team’s points together rather than having separate point cards.
  • I can’t embed the font “Coalhand Luke” due to licensing restrictions, so here’s the link to download it:
  • If one team is visibly struggling and haven't had a chance to choose a card in a while, you can help them (or the JTE/HRT can). You can also pretend that they were the fastest or make them participate in janken battle with the other teams.
  • If you want to reveal a picture as the answer in the "Answer box", all you need to do is ungroup the text and answer box, place the picture, "group" the picture with answer box and redo animation.

Writing Questions:

  • Word scramble
  • Sentence Scramble
  • Draw a Picture
  • Word / Sentence Translation
  • Make a Sentence / Question
  • Correct It!
  • Tense Change
  • Positive ≪≫ Negative
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Guess the Gesture
  • Finish the Sentence
  • Contraction
  • Letter Word
  • Picture Sentence
  • Spot the Fake

Speaking Questions:

  • Three Hint Quiz
  • Q&A
  • Name…
  • Ask me a Question
  • What’s this?
  • Say It!

Different Ways to Play:

1) Have one team answer the question one at a time that way they have a chance to choose a card. Once all teams had the chance to answer, you can now play where only the fastest team can choose a card.
2) For the very last question before class finishes, you can have the two fastest teams choose a card. They will do rock, paper, scissors, to see who goes first.
3) Students STEAL points from you. Great for small classes/special need classes where they play as one team. You have 1000 points and depending on what card they choose, they get that much from you and deduct your points.
For example, they got 60 points and they take that away from you so now you're left with 940 points.


  • I made a bunch of questions for New Horizon (2021), you can check it out here:
Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Review Game Questions - Explained v1.docx (1.22 MB)
  • Typhoon Cards v1 (Old Ver.).pdf (1.16 MB)
  • Typhoon Cards (2023 Ver.).pdf (1.27 MB)
  • Typhoon Cards (2023 Ver.).pptx (1.95 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • [EXAMPLE][JHS][1ST][U1-6] Typhoon (pp. 12-63).pptx (68.7 MB)
  • [EXAMPLE][JHS][2ND][U2-3] Typhoon (pp. 23-46).pptx (68.6 MB)
  • [EXAMPLE][JHS][3RD] Typhoon - (2nd Year Grammar Focus).pptx (49.7 MB)
  • Typhoon Template v1.potx (70.1 MB)
  • [EXAMPLE][JHS][3RD][U1-U5S2) Typhoon (pp. 8-75).pptx (70.2 MB)
  • 24
    Submitted by unoplusunoistu October 18, 2023 Estimated time: 30-50 mins
    1. Keith Miyazaki October 18, 2023

      Excellent! Thank you! This really complements the collection at {}

    2. unoplusunoistu October 23, 2023

      @Keith Ah yes! Thanks for that :)

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