The files included are:
Lesson Plan
Shopping Script - Powerpoint Presentation and Printouts
Shopping Role Play Materials (shopping list picture, store display, store merchandise)
The script strictly follows the One World textbook, with some additions.
This is based on a class size of 18 students. (You may change the number of groups or members per group to fit your class size).
Divide the class into 6 groups of 3.
Total of 3 Rounds of Shopping (shirt, pants, shoes)
For each round, there will be 6 shops (different colors). Each group will pick 1 seller to man 1 shop.
Each seller will have 2 buyers.
After 3 rounds of shopping, every student will have practiced buying 2x, and selling 1x (with 2 buyers).
The textbook script involves asking for a different size, and a cheaper option.
Sellers must first offer the M size, and offer the more expensive priced item, then after the dialogue, offer the correct size and correct price.
*Take some time to explain the phrase for asking a different size, using comparative adjectives.
(1st sentence is about the shirt offered, example...the M size is too large...because the buyer is looking for a S size.
2nd sentence is about the shirt wanted, example...Do you have any smaller ones?).
Some students got confused and used the same take the time to go over different situations to simulate different answers.
**When presenting the script using the powerpoint and printouts, ask students to write down the katakana of new English words, especially on the seller's script.
It's okay for students to read the script of the seller, but they must try to memorize the buyer script, as this can be applied in real life.
***Also, go over the Size labels. They may encounter some labels for the first time.
Print the materials depending on the number of students you have.
Print and cut all merchandise.
1. Group all same-colored merchandise together in the same-color store. (red shirts, pants, shoes go in the Red Store. Have an envelope or folder to separate each store.
2. I made a "takai" and "yasui" (expensive and cheap) envelope / label containing all the merchandise for each color store, to make it easy for each seller to offer / look for the takai option first, then offer the yasui option. You can use a paperclip and label, instead of an envelope. (example: there is a red shirt size S that is $15, another that is $10. put the higher price in the takai folder, the lower price in the yasui folder. all sizes and all shirts/pants/shoes have 2 prices.)
3. For each takai/yasui folder: use a paper clip to separate shirts, pants, shoes. Group the 3 shirts together in 1 clip, pants in 1 clip, shoes in 1 clip. Each merchandise has a Small, Medium, Large version. YOu can organize it in S, M, L or put the Medium option first/at the very front, because the instructions given to sellers is to sell the Medium size first. So that customers can then ask for a smaller or larger option after being offered the M size.
To recap: 1 color store: divide into expensive and cheap price. each price: divide into shirts, pants, shoes. each merchandise: 3 sizes: S/M/L.
Hi! This is exactly what my teacher is asking for. Would you mind explaining how the shopping items are divided though? I'm a little confused how to organize it.
Sorry, dshr331, I saw your comment only now (2 months have passed). So I print and cut everything first, then organize the by color. All red items go to the Red Store (if you have an envelope or folder, that would be nice), all orange items go to the Orange Store, and so on. The assigned seller for that color will man that shop.
For each color store, make 2 envelopes (I just wrote the label by hand:) 1 Takai/Expensive, and 1 Yasui/Cheap.
So check the prices of each item, there is a red shirt, pants, shoe of S,M,L size - one with higher price, one with lower price. Example $15 vs $10.
(The reason I do this is to make it less confusing for the sellers. I instruct the class that all sellers will offer/look for items from the Expensive group first, because they wanna make the most profit. It follows the gramar lesson, so that there is an opportunity for the customer to ask for a cheaper option. So, always expensive items first.)