
Singular Verbs ( Intro of Family and Friends)

These are activities for practicing the singular verbs.

  1. Introduce the lesson using the powerpoint" My family."
  2. For the firstworksheet activity, My Family: Students work in pairs. If a student plays the role of A, then he or she has to write a check mark in column A of the sentence used in the conversation, and vice versa. They get points based on how many roles they play.
  3. Show the powerpoint "Let's Introduce a Friend".
  4. Give out the worksheet to introduce a friend. Students work in pairs. A student introduces a friend to his or her partner. If the student introduces the friend without any grammar errors, he or she will get 2 points; otherwise, he or she will get 1 point.
Small files
  • He plays 2.docx (54.9 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Let’s introduce a friend!.pptx (3.23 MB)
  • My family.pptx (3.14 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by akopoito November 21, 2023 Estimated time: 50 minutes

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