
I wish I could.... Picture Naughts and Crosses

A pattern practice game where students must use pictures to make sentences.

This is a very simple but effective pattern practice game.

Students make pairs and play janken, the winner will go first.
To claim a grid square, students must make a sentence using the phrase “I wish I had…” or “I wish I could…” combined with a picture. For example, “I wish I had a smartphone” or “I wish I could eat a cupcake.”

For a more advanced class, ask students to use both phrases, such as "I wish I had a cupcake, I could eat it.”
I usually play two rounds of this activity. The first round they need to connect three squares, and in the second round they must connect four squares. Lots of pattern practice.
Students usually enjoy making silly sentences, and beating each other.

Small files
  • I wish I could____ Picture Naughts and Crosses.pdf (409 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • I wish I could____ Picture Naughts and Crosses.pptx (4.49 MB)
  • 19
    Submitted by Nanami December 12, 2023 Estimated time: 15min

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