
Best Online Link:Make a Parfait/Pizza !

online link that's compatible to students'/teachers' tablets no prep needed! just send the link to your HRT and they will set it up on LoiloNote. easy to use and has many customization buttons

Original Parfait:

Original Pizza:

How to set it up:
1. Send the link to your HRT, and they can add the link in LoiloNote so all students can access it in their own tablets.
2. The teacher can add other instructions such as: take a screenshot after, and send it to the class folder.

Activity Mechanics:
(You can make your own, but here is the suggestion)
1. Students form pairs and take turns in asking the order and giving the order.
*Teacher to give the book script:
"What do you want?"
"I want _____ please"
"How many?"
"__ please"
2. Students will make the parfait or pizza for their partner, based on what they heard.

1. very compatible to Let's Try Textbook for ES Grade 4 Lesson on Fruits and Vegetables.
(Can also be used for ES Grade 5 Restaurant/Pizza toppings, or frankly, any other grade level you want.)
2. attractive design! kids immediately got excited when they saw it! colors and designs are nice
3. easy to use, students did not need much instructions
4. many customizations allowed - can choose from a wide variety of toppings, can increase or decrease the size, can rotate the pieces too.

Other Tips:
My HRT instructed students to add a comment/title to their finished parfait or pizza - example: a parfait beautiful parfait, or yasui parfait, etc.

My HRT previously spent a lot of time (or asked an assistant teacher) to cut out little pieces of whatever the vocab lesson was.
The activities were great, it was usually a buy-and-sell roleplay that involved all the students all at the same time, so a lot of speaking practice.
But very time consuming to make the props.
I found great links in Altopedia from *tegamikureru and *Linda using and links, but these unfortunately were banned in the school website access.
I recommended these links to my HRT, but she found the kumamoto website instead, which turned out to be an even better and more compatible version to Let's Try.
So I hope you find these useful too! (But thanks to Altopedia for giving me the idea to suggest to my HRT an easier and fun way of doing the speaking and buy-and-sell activities)

Submitted by connichiwow December 14, 2023 Estimated time:
  1. Lelaia December 15, 2023

    This is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be sure to use it next year.

  2. scrying December 19, 2023

    This is epic. Awesome find.

  3. KobeALT December 19, 2023

    All of the Kumamoto activities have been uploaded already, if anyone wants to check them out. I think they are under Tablet Activities.

  4. connichiwow December 19, 2023

    KobeALT, thanks for commenting that! I definitely was not aware of the previous post, (found it and liked the OP already), and it will for sure help me with some lessons next year! When I tried searching on my own for other Kumamoto apps, I couldn't find the rest of it. This is a big help!

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