
Christmas Powerpoint Lesson (intro, foods, quiz)

Christmas powerpoint with Christmas words in English, foods around the world, and a quiz.

This is a christmas powerpoint that can be used to fill an entire lesson depending on how much time you spend on each slide.
On the first slide I recommend asking if they remember what famous event is in October, then November (there is also a photo of the Luffy balloon at the Macy's Parade because my students love One Piece.)
After that there is an introduction of various Christmas items in English. After the Frosty the Snowman slide, there is an embed of a youtube video of the song with a cute animated video. Then a showcase of various famous Christmas foods from around the world (I recommend asking students if they remember how to say each country in English).
Last is a quiz. The quiz is in Japanese. As this was originally made for a special needs class, there are furigana readings for all kanji. At the very end, there is an embed to a youtube song that's BINGO, but Santa-themed.
There are two versions of this powerpoint: one with Japanese and one (almost) entirely in English. I would recommend the English only powerpoint for higher level middle school or high school classes, as some of the language can be a little complex.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Christmas Quiz Japanese.pptx (9.95 MB)
  • Christmas Quiz ALL English.pptx (9.93 MB)
  • 26
    Submitted by wanifan December 18, 2023 Estimated time: 30-45 minutes
    1. samirro December 19, 2023

      It's great, the kids really enjoyed it! There are a few animations that show answers on the all English quiz that I had to fix. I'm not sure if it shows up for everyone, but it would be good to check!

    2. wanifan December 19, 2023

      I've fixed the animations and re-uploaded the English file. It should be working fine now!

    3. Sunshine September 12, 2024

      Very nice activity. Thanks so much.

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