The goal is to be able to answer "What color is this?" intended for my 2nd graders, but would work well with 1st and Special Needs I think!
Each slide has the images of the hint words covered. First, say the three hints. If no one can figure it out, slowly reveal the images via clicking or pressing 'enter'. The hints are grayed out. Once the correct guess is made, the next click reveals the hints in color as well as my target grammar "It's ______".
The Hints
Yellow: Sun, Lemon, Cheese
Red: Rose, Tomato, Heart
Black: Sunglasses, Gorilla, Piano
Blue: Sky, Jeans, Whale
Orange: Carrot, Basketball, Goldfish
White: Egg, Rice, Sheep
Green: Clover, Frog, Watermelon
Brown: Monkey, Chocolate, Guitar
Purple: Grapes, Flowers, Yam (sweet potato)
Gray: Moon, Elephant, Cloud
Pretty simple! Inspired my my 3 Hint Shape quiz but I think my powerpoint skills are improving :) Of course there is always room for improvement so let me know if you have any suggestions.
This could also work for ES 3rd grade with what's this. Good idea
Simple neat fit for lots of younger kids lessons.
Very impressed. Your first year and you're already killing it. Keep up the great work.
This is fantastic, thank you so much! I'm gonna use this for my kindergarten classes :D
Arigathanks :)