
Directions - Best Tablet App (ES Grades4-5)

Go Straight, Turn Left, Turn Right... at the __rd corner, It's on your Left/Right, It's in front of you... It's on / in / under / by the ___

For: Let's Try Textbook ES 4nensei and OneWorld Textbook ES 5nensei (or other books/grade levels with lesson on Directions)

Ask JTEs/HRTs to put the link on the class LoiloNote, and allow the students to have fun with it using their tablets

For Grade 4 and 5:
Lesson: Go Straight, Turn Left/Right at the 1st/2nd/3rd Corner, On your Left/Right, Stop

A. Teacher can make a “secret” map and choose a location for the Treasure.
Students follow teacher’s directions to know the location of the treasure. They will put the treasure icon on the same spot (in students' own tablet). Check the students' answers if correct.

B. By pair: take turns in the role as the Direction-giver and the Treasure-hunter. They can also decorate their map with other items: trees, houses, animals. (First, give 2-3 minutes for students to have fun with the map and decorate it with trees, animals, etc.). The Direction-giver to place the treasure in a secret location in his tablet. The Treasure-hunter to use a blank map, and start at a pre-determined starting point, listening to directions to find out the location of the treasure. Put the treasure icon on the spot, and check if the answer is correct.

For Grade 5:
Lesson: In, On, Under, By

A. Teacher can make a “secret” bedroom picture and choose a location for the different items. Students follow teacher’s directions to know the location of the items. Put the items on the same spot. Check the students' answers if correct.
Examples: The red shirt is on the bed. The basket is by the table. The ball is under the table.

B. By pair: take turns in the role as the Direction-giver and the picture-maker. The direction-giver to put 5 items on any location inside the bedroom. The picture-maker to start with a blank bedroom, listen to the directions, and put the items mentioned in the location given. To check if correct, the 2 students compare their tablets/picture to see if the items are in the same location.

Got this from crisxselda's post: Tablet Activities for Elementary. ( Click this link for the complete list of Kumamoto apps available.

Just thought of reposting because new users might not be aware of this post, and I definitely think it's a shame if not everyone knows about these great apps.

Submitted by connichiwow January 18, 2024 Estimated time:
  1. hellohello2929 January 19, 2024

    This is really cool! I was wondering if there was a website where you can make things like this?

  2. connichiwow January 19, 2024

    I personally don't know how to make programs like these myself, so I rely on others' links. I did see other links here on ALTopedia probably made by the ALTs themselves, using and ... you can check those websites out if you want to try making your own. :)

  3. Ulysses January 23, 2024

    Thanks a lot for sharing. This will be very useful.

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