
Vocabulary Othello Editable (Digital)

A fun way to help students practice vocabulary. (for those who are familiar with the rules of othello).

After opening the file, you might have to click on "Enable Editing" and "Enable Contents" to allow the program to run. In Japanese they're called "編集を有効にする(E)" and "コンテンツ有効化". (They're the yellow bars that pops up when you open the file for the first time).

For the game to be enjoyable, the students must know the rules of Othello.
First the teacher chooses the vocabulary that he or she wants the students to practice and writes them on the green board of spreadsheet 1.
After editing the board, teacher saves the file and sends the file to the students. (one file for each pair is enough).
Students open the file.
After opening the file, students might have to click on "Enable Editing"and "Enable Contents" "編集を有効にする(E)"and"コンテンツ有効化" for the program to run.
Then students click on "LAUNCHER".
Students pick a color. Either Black or White.

Follow the rule of othello, but before placing the disks, students must say the vocabulary first.
Student A says: 1 banana:
Studnet B says: 3 apples: etc...
Play until you have a winner.
Reset the board and try again if you have enough time.

Warning: To place "Black" disks you just need to click on a square once. But if you want to place "White" disks you have to click on it twice.

Instead of saying only the vocabulary, students could say small sentences using that vocabulary.
Student A says: I want 1 banana.
Student B says: I want 3 apples.

Other exemples
Student A says: I have 1 banana.
Studnet B says: I have 3 apples.

Change the vocabulary and you will have countless numbers of variations.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Othelo vocabulary.xlsm (2.54 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by Aurelio Mizukami January 23, 2024 Estimated time: 20 to 30 min.
    1. Lasha April 1, 2024

      This is an interesting idea!
      I think the English board tag might not fit this activity, though.

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