
Slang Quiz: American/Internet/SNS Version

This is a quiz made for end-of-year fun with my junior high school students. It introduces the idea of slang, why it is useful, the types of English slang, and of course, a quiz!

In this sort of silly, GIF filled PowerPoint, I introduce slang! First, I discuss my experience listening to Japanese slang. Then, I explain a scenario where students might experience slang abroad. The lesson also explains that different English-speaking countries have different slang, but since we all have the internet, a lot of slang is shared.

Finally, I explain that we will have a quiz where students guess the meaning of slang words followed by a bonus round where students guess the SNS acronyms (OMG, BFF, TTYL etc.). I reassure students that it's okay that they don't know the answers, and that I will teach them!

Students write their answers in expo marker on printable and laminatable team boards (attached below, you can reuse these for lots of other games), and of course the winning team earns stickers!

I also added a worksheet, which is optional if you'd like the students to be able to hold on to the information, or if you have any classes where you can't use a PowerPoint.

*** This an updated version of a lesson I previously posted! ***

Small files
  • White boards for team games.pptx (644 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • SLANG PP .pptx (12.6 MB)
  • 88
    Submitted by janeenmp February 15, 2024 Estimated time: 50
    1. Reuben February 19, 2024

      Looks like fun! I was shocked to see "OFC" in the list as I thought it only meant "of f*cking course." Is everyone just saying "of course" when they use that?

    2. kiwiguy23 February 19, 2024

      Yeah ofc means of course. Although I haven't seen it capitalized to OFC before.

    3. ivyant February 20, 2024

      Is the printable board the one on one of the slides, or do you have it as a separate file?

    4. ReySensei February 20, 2024

      This is quite interesting and useful with youngsters.

    5. genieg February 20, 2024

      This is so cool. Thank you.
      Is there a way you can make GenZ slang ? That is probably good for warm up and for some gen X teachers like me.

    6. agrasso February 20, 2024

      very fun!!!! the word for slang is 俗語(zokugo), but ''slang'' is ok

    7. scrying February 21, 2024

      This is absolutely adorable, and I am legit jealous I didn’t think of it first. Great job.

    8. janeenmp February 22, 2024

      @ivyant I just added the file for the printable white boards!

    9. janeenmp February 22, 2024

      @kiwiguy23 and @Reuben Yeah, in my opinion I have always just read it as "of course" haha. I capitalized all of them for the sake of consistency but I agree that it's usually lowercase!

    10. janeenmp February 22, 2024

      @agrasso I agree with you! My Japanese co-teacher told me that he though 若者言葉 (wakamono kotoba) was best for this PowerPoint, so that's why I have that there.

    11. sbrshteacher February 22, 2024

      So cute. I was giggling as I was clicking through. Seems like a fun activity, thanks for sharing!

    12. dshr331 February 29, 2024

      omg rizz. I think the funniest gen z slang of recent that I'd want to explain is "let him cook." because it's so funny to me. I see a kid with hair that really suits him nicely every time he gets his termly haircut, and I always think "wow his barber really cooked." but there's just no way of me explaining that to him in short time haha. I'll keep this bookmarked!

    13. saeris March 1, 2024

      Ran this with my third year students and they absolutely loved it! It did lead to a student asking me if I have rizz lol. I also had one group trying to decide if rizz meant “charm” or “smartness” and to narrow it down they started to ask me which characters on their Haikyuu water bottle had rizz. A great activity, thanks for sharing!

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