
Let's Try 1 Unit 9: Adjectives

No-prep Activity to review the adjectives used in the story.

Target vocabs: (primary) scary, furry, shiny, round, long, short, big, small,
(secondary) shapes and body parts

I did this lesson before doing the "Are you a...?" quizzes

Lesson flow:

  • Listen to the story once.

  • Then go to page 39. Read the "I see something..." sentences one by one and using adjective flash card, ask the students "What is (adjective)?" Some of them will answer animal names. Elicit more answers, until a student says "kowai".

Ex. What is scary? ---- Tiger!

  • Do this until four animals are identified. (tiger, wild boar, chicken and sheep)

sample phrases to practice
- scary tiger
- round nose (wild boar)
- furry sheep
- red head (chicken)

  • Go back to page 37 and 35 and do the same.

then do the Kahoot quiz, ask the HRT if you can do the quiz twice because there are only 9 questions.


Submitted by okayer March 6, 2024 Estimated time: 30 mins.

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