
Phonics Quiz

NH1 Unit 0 - Phonics Quiz

This worksheet accompanies the phonics lesson from unit 0.
After reviewing the letters names and the sounds they make, we challenged the students' listening.

Suggestions: If your schools are still using masks in the classrooms, check if it's okay to do this lesson maskless. Of course if you can explain the mouth area's shapes and positions, go for it. Personally, I find it easier to show students. I try to emphasize this with "b" "v" "m" "n".

Make the answer sheet before hand.
Repeat sound 3 times.
After each section, ask students if they need any number repeated again. If the students are good to go, reveal the sections answers.

For section 2, students are asked to write upper-case alphabet letters.
For section 3, students are asked to write lower-case alphabet letters. I chose "b" "d" "p" "q" for this section since they were the most commonly missed letters.
For section 4, I used 3 letter words. d - o - g, h - a - m, so on.

I included the ppt file so feel free to adjust as needed.

Submitted by picheon May 9, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes

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