
Introduce Your Partner (JHS/SHS)

Lesson for after your self introduction lesson. Students get to know each other by playing partner bingo and then they write a paragraph to introduce their partner.

  1. Ask students "How would you introduce yourself?"
  2. Ask students to introduce themselves.
  3. ALT talks about other things they might include in a self introduction.
  4. ALT plays partner bingo with the JTE: The ALT will write about the JTE and vice versa. If you do not know the answer then just guessing is fine. Then the ALT will ask the JTE for the correct information e.g. "What is your favorite color?". Then circle the correct answers.
  5. Ask the students to play partner bingo.
  6. Distribute the handout.
  7. Show students the example partner introduction (on the PowerPoint fill in the blank with your information).
  8. Ask students to write a paragraph to introduce their partner.
  9. If there is time, ask students to stand up and introduce their partner to either 1 or 2 other students or in front of the class.
Small files
  • Introduce Your Partner Handout.pdf (387 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Let's Get to Know Each Other PowerPoint.pptx (3.73 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by lanciaALT May 17, 2024 Estimated time: 50 mins
    1. keithwarnerharder June 4, 2024

      I did a harder version (more questions) of this with my third-year high school students! It was pretty successful! Thanks for the idea!

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