
Is he...? / Is she...? ("Who am I?") Game!

Repurposed version of a lesson I made for elementary school, aimed at JHS 1年生 who are learning pronouns.

My elementary school students have suddenly become junior high school students and are learning about pronouns now! Wow!
I recommend reviewing grammar or doing a short activity involving he/she beforehand if your students are still struggling. Mine are 全然OK but I made a short review before this game anyways, if you'd like to use it.

***First, I recommend reviewing the people who will be in the game. Your students should know all/most of them already, but I will write them in order of appearance from left to right: Yoshida Saori (Olympic wrestler), Doraemon, Ohtani Shohei, Ado, Tetsuro Degawa (comedian), Ishikawa Yuuki (volleyball player), Hikakin (YouTuber), Oosaka Naomi (tennis player). If a few students don't know and some do, I like to ask "Oh! This is Ishikawa Yuuki? Who is Ishikawa Yuuki?" and another student often shouts out the answer.
There is another slide to do a practice round and explain the grammar being used or how to play the game. I called on 2 students and told them I was thinking of someone on the screen. They said the answer as soon as they knew who it was. Then, I asked 1 student to think of someone and I guessed. This is to demonstrate the grammar they will use in the game as well.

1. Make pairs.
2. A thinks of a celebrity and says information about them starting from 1 to 4.
For example (See practice round): He is a baseball player. He can run fast. He likes dogs... etc.
3. B will guess who they're thinking of. If correct, B will think of a celebrity and A will guess. Go back and forth until BOTH A and B have said all 4 people or until time runs out.
NOTE: I gave them 3 minutes in the first round and decreased it by 1 minute from there. Round 4, I asked students how much time they wanted. About 1:30 works best, I think.
4. After time runs out, students will write how many points they got that level. Repeat until level 4 is over.

He is... (job) / She is... (job)
He can... / She can...
He likes... / She likes...
He is from... / She is from...

Is he...? / Is she...?
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn't.

A: He is an athlete. He can run fast. He likes dogs.
B: Oh! Is he Ohtani Shohei?
A: Yes, he is.

B: She is from Japan. She likes dancing.
A: Is she Osaka Naomi?
B: No, she isn't. She is a singer.
A: Oh! Is she Ado?
B: Yes, she is.

****My students were so-so about answering like "Is he/she...?" and "Yes, he/she is." so I wrote it on the board. After that, more students were able to read it and use it properly.

Powerpoint of just the activity
Powerpoint of a grammar review, then the activity
A worksheet for students to use to write their points (the first half is a general guide about introductions, how to use he/she, etc. I find that 1年生 rely on copies a lot because they're not confident in their grammar, so I made that for them. Who knows if they will use it or not, lol)

Sorry for the long description. Hope you have fun with it and let me know if you have any questions/concerns! Thanks!

Small files
  • PronounActivity-NOREVIEW-pdfpreview.pdf (574 KB)
  • HeSheIntroductionAdvice.docx (643 KB)
  • HeSheIntroductionAdvice.pdf (304 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • PronounActivity-NOREVIEW.pptx (5.27 MB)
  • PronounActivity-WITHGRAMMARREVIEW.pptx (8.25 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by meatydog May 20, 2024 Estimated time: ~15 minutes

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