
Monthly Newsletter - June

A monthly newsletter for each grade (using New Horizon), employing grammar from what unit (I hope) we're studying that month.

I decided to make a monthly newsletter for each grade (using New Horizon), employing grammar from what unit (I hope) we're studying that month. This isn't homework or an in-class activity (though it can be if you want). Students are meant to do it on their own time if they want to. Trying to make English more fun lol.

If students complete the questions and quiz, then they can receive a sticker from me to go on their sticker page (check "Monthly Newsletter - May" for the document).

Again, this newsletter uses personal information so it isn't really usable as is. I've included the link to the canva that you can make a copy of and then edit to suit your needs. Please check "Monthly Newsletter - May" for more thorough instructions on how to use.

Some changes from May: hopefully the horoscope section is easier to read for the students. Tried to include more photos as well.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 一年生June2024.pdf (1.32 MB)
  • 二年生June2024.pdf (1.33 MB)
  • 三年生June2024.pdf (2.23 MB)
  • 15
    Submitted by ambercece May 27, 2024 Estimated time:
    1. CrayonNickChan May 28, 2024

      I want to meet Amber先生!
      This is really cool!

    2. kabochaski1990 May 28, 2024

      These are wonderful. Are you able to upload editable word files formats? I cannot figure out how to edit a PDJ without having to pay for a new version of adobe.

    3. ambercece May 28, 2024

      I used canva to make these. It's a free platform so you can use this link ( and copy it to your account, and then edit yourself. Unfortunately I do not have an editable word file

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