
Guess Who

A guessing game about classmates to practice asking basic questions

This activity focuses on basic questions that 6th graders and middle school 1st graders are learning/reviewing.
-Do you ~?
-Are you ~? (boy/girl is a good question to ask that's not on the sheet)
-Can you ~?
-When is your birthday?
-What club are you in?

First, the students fill out the Guess Who printout. This will probably take longer than you expect/want. I used part of a class period to fill out the papers and then finished the activity the next class period.

Break your class up into teams. Then, explain that this is a guessing game, and the students can ask any questions they want (I usually end up banning club and birthday questions once they get used to the game). To win the round, someone must ask "Are you~" and be correct. I wrote a question guide on some empty prints to give to each group, and it helped them understand the goal of the game a little faster. It can also encourage students who wouldn't ask otherwise. Modeling the questions they can ask helps a lot. This activity can be a slow starter, but the classes I've done this with get really into it.

-students must phrase everything as a question
-students cannot guess themself or tell their team it is them
-students must raise their hands to answer but there is no particular order that teams may answer

Difficulty Modifiers
-deduct a point for any incorrect guesses
-change the pronouns to be 3rd person (Is he/she~?)

Submitted by awing June 3, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes

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