
'This is...' Character Quiz

This is a quiz activity for JHS New Horizons 1 Unit 2 p.20 - 'This is...' and 'Is that...?'

Students to practice using the two key sentences in a fun quiz format.

Show the PowerPoint.
Split your class in half, two teams, tell them it is a speed race. Get your JTE to keep score on the board.
Display the first question slide, and use this to explain how to play. Demonstrate that they have to say the full key sentence. For example, "This is ○○.", they can't just say "○○". Likewise, they have to say "Is that ○○?", not just "○○".
For the first half of each question, the boxes disappear one by one to slowly reveal a character.
For the second half of each question, a character silhouette slowly gets bigger until the answer is revealed.
First student from either team to raise their hand, has a chance to answer. If they're incorrect reveal the next hint.

My students were very quick and seemed to get most of the answers really easily! You're welcome to make it more difficult for your own classes.

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • U2 p.20 'This is...' Character Quiz.pptx (8.8 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by lianneinjapan June 10, 2024 Estimated time: 15 minutes
    1. chriswinter403 June 12, 2024

      I like the simple and effective design for practicing the grammar point. For improvement: I wish we could also practice "No, it isn't!" but I guess it's up to us as teachers how we could do it..

    2. lianneinjapan June 24, 2024

      Of course you're welcome to change it to your specific needs @chriswinter403. I played it so, if the students guessed incorrectly on part 2, then I would say "No, it isn't!" It's not perfect, but it was difficult to find a natural way to get the students saying all the phrases from this page.

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