
Bomb Quiz

This is a quiz style game for JHS New Horizons 3 Unit 3 p.37 - It is... (for + (人など)) + to + VERB

Students have to choose between three optioins to complete a sentence.
Depending on what they choose, they will recieve different points ( +1, +2, or -1).
Bonus 単語バラバラ questions!
Students putting context to grammar by deciding which opinion they agree with. Associating using the grammar point to express opinons.

Set up:
Split the class into groups. Give each group a whiteboard and pen. Give each student a worksheet.

Use the 'How To Play?' and practice question slides to explain how to play.
Students have to choose between three optioins to complete a sentence. Depending on what they choose, they will recieve different points ( +1, +2, or -1).
Check they understand that they have to choose the one they 'agree' with the most. AND they have to decide as a group, so they all have the same answer.
They should write their answer on the worksheet, and keep track of their points.
Before revealing the points, I ask each team what sencence they chose. Make sure they say the full sentence, not just the option.
After each question there is a bonus 単語バラバラ question, they have 30 seconds to answer (write on whiteboard and hold up) and any team that gets it correct in this time recieves +1 point.
I also included a tie breaker question at the end, if you need it. [You can click on the left-hand star (on the bonus slides), to take you straight to the tie breaker.]
If you don't, you can click on the right-hand star (on the bonus slides) to take you straight to the end.
At the end, ask 'How many points?' Get them to write how many points on the whiteboard and hold it up so you can easliy see.
Stickers for the winning group!

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Submitted by lianneinjapan July 1, 2024 Estimated time: 30 minutes
  1. cjaneytube July 16, 2024

    Hi. Thank you so much for this activity. I only had 10min. left to think of an activity and I found this! Thank you!!
    It was really helpful and fun. The kids enjoyed this activity :)

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