
Clothes Shopping Store (site)

A mock e-shop that can be used for shopping role play activities.

Site Template Created with Notion (free version):

If you can, I recommend creating a free Notion account and duplicating this template to your own account and editing it as you see fit with a custom name or different items, prices, etc. You can also just use the above link as is. If you are willing to take the time, you could also turn this in to a menu or travel brochure or many other activities.

This was a big hit at my high school.

1) Edit site (optional) and generate QR Code
2) Print worksheet
3) print, laminate, and cut situation cards


1) Show the site and explain how it works (touch the triangles on the main page to open and collapse the menus).

2) Demonstrate your activity with the JTE (example below).

3) Let students look at and explore the site on their tablets/PCs while handing out worksheets. (I suggest creating a QR code for the students to scan. Attach it to your worksheet for added convenience)

4) Practice vocab, phrases, and expressions you would like the students to use (put these on the worksheet for easy reference for the students)

5) Hand out situation/budget cards. Students copy their card on to their worksheet.

6) Divide class into pairs, customer and salesperson. By row is easiest, they work with their neighbor.

7) Students role play shopping for items that fit their situation and budget. Customers cannot use their tablets/PC. Salesperson listens and makes recommendations to the customer. They should be gesturing to their screen and showing the customer the various items.

8) When the customer finds an item they like, they write it on their worksheet with the price. Of course, their total must be equal to or less than the budget.

9) After both students buy 1 item, they change pairs and shop for their second item. Change pairs again after both students buy their second item and so on.

Things to be careful of:
1) The template is set to show the money in dollars. You should explain to them they can ignore the cents portion ".00" and only calculate what is in front of the "."

2) They shouldn't spend all their money on one item. They should be budgeting to buy 3-4 items. It can be difficult with the lower budgets. You can increase some of the lower budgets if you need or remove those cards from the rotation. There are 48 cards total so there should not be an issue removing a few.

3) Some of the situations may be difficult for the students to understand, check if anyone has questions before you begin the speaking activity.

4) The time for each round will probably depend on the level of the students. In high school, I used 3 minutes for the very first time. When the students switch roles for the first time, I lower the time to two minutes and maintain that for the rest of the activity. If you are running out of time, let the students know before the last round so they can go all out and spend the rest of their money.

5) Encourage the students to be creative with their communication and phrases, but to stick to English, of course.

Example Conversation:
Salesperson: Hello! How can I help you?

Customer: Hi. I'm looking for a hat.

S: I see. What kind of hat?

C: I'm going to the summer festival with some friends. What do you recommend?

S: find a hat How about this?

C: Hmm, It's a little expensive. Do you have anything cheaper?

S: Sure. Is this Ok? gesturing at new hat

C: This is perfect. I'll take it.

Submitted by acole28 July 12, 2024 Estimated time: 40-50 minutes

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