
Treasure Hunt Game 'He is My Brother' 'He is~'

As my other treasure games, but this time teams choose two items at once. 'This is my [grandmother]', 'He/she is [kind]'. Behind each selection is an item worth points.

As my other treasure games, but this time teams choose two items at once. 'This is my [grandmother]', 'He/she is [kind]'. Behind each selection is either a bomb (-3pts), a coin (+2 points), treasure (+5 points), or a thief (steal 3 points from another team).

Teams take turns answering the question 'Who is this?', using the above format. If a team finishes a level at 0 Points, I play janken with one member, winning is 5 points and losing is 3.

This game can get rowdy, and sometimes they bully other teams, which is good to look out for. It may be worth instating a rule that points are automatically stolen from the highest scoring team rather than letting them choose.

This is made for Crown Junior 5 Unit 2, but would also fit parts of the New Horizon unit on heroes. Sorry if it's too late to be of use.
This will probably be my last activity on this site. お先に失礼します!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Colour Treasure Hunt Game Y5 He is my brother review.pptx (8.14 MB)
  • 17
    Submitted by AsakawaSune July 16, 2024 Estimated time: 15+ plus minutes, all levels are the whole class.
    1. Ulysses July 17, 2024

      Glad I can be the first to comment. Just wanted to say, that as always the quality of your work is top notch. You should do a tutorial for those of us less Powerpointedly inclined.

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