
Weather in English

Focused on New Horizons 2 pg.56

For this lesson I would first use the powerpoint to introduce some english weather terms and definitons to my students. Then after that I would run through all the steps of the activity listed on pg.56. Finally depending on how much time was left I would show some of the weather videos on the second to last slide. Which are all videos from the storm chaser known as Pecos Hank. My students overall had a blast and hope yours do as well!

Small files
  • Weather in English.pdf (709 KB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Weather in English.pptx (40.6 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by MegaTaco August 29, 2024 Estimated time: 30-50 minutes
    1. Miki248 August 30, 2024

      Thank you for this! Could you please provide a web link of the powerpoint presentation or compress the file to less than 40MB?

    2. jxjan August 30, 2024

      Any chance for a download link?

    3. MegaTaco September 9, 2024

      @Miki248 and @ixjan I made it into a pdf file so hopefully that works! Please let me know if it doesn't!

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