
Summer Vacation Bingo (2 types)

Summer vacation bingo with two types. One for past events (I went to, I saw...) and one for favorite things about summer (I like...)

Summer vacation bingo game. There are two different types. The first is for students to say what they did during summer vacation, using past tense (I went to, I ate, I saw, I enjoyed). The second is for students to say what they like about summer (I like...).
The file contains 4 pages. For each bingo type, one page has Japanese and one has English only.
The second type using "I like contains" the question "What do you like about summer?" (夏休みといえば、何が好きですか?) Students should answer with I like. If they're more advanced, you can have them use "because" to give a reason. The last page was created for a special education class, so it has katakana pronunciations written above all of the vocabulary.

Small files
  • summer vacation bingo.pdf (604 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • summer vacation bingo.pptx (1.87 MB)
  • 25
    Submitted by wanifan August 30, 2024 Estimated time: 5-15 minutes
    1. Minet Minutes September 2, 2024

      Hi!This is a nice one.Thank you.Could you share the editable version?Please.

    2. wanifan September 6, 2024

      Sure, I'll upload the PPT.

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