
Speaking Games: Do you have a pen? I have 3 pens.

ES 4年 Unit5: Stationery Let's Try Textbook Lesson Plan, Website Links for Tablet Activities, Gameboard Worksheets

Files include:
1. English/Japanese Lesson Plans with 4 different activity options. You can print and discuss with your HRT which one is best for your class.
2. Website links for Kumamoto tablet apps (Option C and D)
3. Printout sheets for Option A: Connect 3 Boardgame (There's a colored version similar to the pictures on the textbook, an all-blue colored version, and grayscale version)
4. Printout sheets for Option B: Find your Match (There are 3 design sheets. Each sheet has 8 different cards, so if you have 32 students, you can photocopy 1 design sheet or 8 cards x 4 copies, so that students will find 3 other classmates with the same card). You can still use the other design sheets, if you want a Round 1,2,3...

Here's the Activity Details for each Option:
A. Connect 3 Game

Give 1 copy of the printout – 1 copy for 2 students, or share the digital file with students, through Loilo Note.
4年_Unit5_Stationery_Review and Speaking Activity_Connect Three Game.pdf

2 students use 1 copy of the Connect 3 Board Game.
They play Rock, Scissors, Paper to find out who will start first.
The first player will pick any object from the Board Game, and say the English Word.
If they say the word correctly, they mark that object with a blue pencil.
The second player will also do the same. The second player will use a red pencil.
They take turns in playing.
Once a player has 3 objects in 1 straight line (horizontal, vertical or diagonal line), they connect the 3 circles, and score 1 point.
The game is finished when all objects are taken. The person with the most points wins.

Option 1: Vocabulary Speaking only
Students say the word only (stapler, calendar, and so on.)
Option 2: Speaking Practice:
Students practice the sentence: “I have a stapler. I have a calendar., and so on.”)

B. Find your Match (Speaking Practice)

Print the file and photocopy based on # of students per class. 1 design sheet has 8 cards, so if you have 32 students, make 4 copies of the same design sheet. Cut all the cards and shuffle, then give 1 card per student.
Find Your Match_4年_Unit5_I have a pen Do you have a pen.pdf

Recommended Script:
Person A: “Do you have a ____ ?”
Person B: “Yes, I do.” / “No, I don’t.”
Person A/B: “I have 1 eraser, 2 staplers, 5 glue sticks. I have 3 pens – green, purple, and red.”

Print different “pencil case” cards for the class, with 8-10 different pictures, and 2-4 cards having the same picture.

Give 1 random card per student, and instruct them not to show it to anyone.
Students must go around and find a partner.
They tell their partner what their pencil case contains, while the partner listens.
They exchange roles.
If they have the same card, they can sit down.

C. Guess My Pencil Case

Share this link with students, through Loilo Note.

(After “Let’s Chant” Activity)

Recommended Script:
Person Guessing: “Do you have a ____ ?”
Person Answering: “Yes, I do.” / “No, I don’t.”

(Note: The program includes an additional object: “tag” or sticky-note, but the teacher can choose to exclude this from the activity because it is not in the textbook vocabulary. Or, if it will be included, teach the English word at the start of the class.)

Person Answering: Use the tablet to make your own pencil case. There are 12 objects in total. The pencil case can contain 1, 2, 3, or even 12 objects. Put only 1 piece of each kind of object.

Person Guessing: Keep your tablet blank at the start. Ask the question, “Do you have a _____?” If your partners answers, “Yes, I do.”, add that same object to your tablet. If your partner answers, “No, I don’t.”, don’t add that object. Once you have asked your partner about all 12 objects, compare your tablets to check if you made the same pencil case.

Exchange roles.

D. Match My Bag

Share this link with students, through Loilo Note.

(After “Let’s Listen”, and “Let’s Watch and Think 2” Activities)

Recommended Script: (Example)
Person Speaking: “This is my bag. I have 1 eraser, 2 staplers, 5 glue sticks. I have 3 pens – green, purple, and red. I have 2 rulers – yellow and blue. I don’t have markers in my bag.”

Activity Options:
Option 1: Individual Speech – 1 person says the script about his own bag. Everyone else will listen, and make the bag in their own tablet. After, the speaker will show their bag to check if everyone got the same objects.

Option 2: By pair:
Person Speaking: Use the tablet to make your own bag. There are 14 objects in total. The bag should contain at least 5 objects. Talk about your bag to your partner, using the script: “This is my bag. I have 1 eraser, 2 staplers, 5 glue sticks. I have 3 pens – green, purple, and red. I have 2 rulers – yellow and blue. I don’t have markers in my bag.”

Person Guessing: Keep your tablet blank at the start. Listen to your partner’s speech. If your partner says, “I have __”, add that same object to your tablet. If your partner says, “No, I don’t have __.”, don’t add that object. Once your partner has finished his speech, compare your tablets to check if you made the same bag.

Exchange roles.

Small files
  • 4年_Unit5_Stationery_Suggested Activities.docx (650 KB)
  • 4年_Unit5_Stationery_Suggested Activities.pdf (885 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 4年_Unit5_Stationery_Review and Speaking Activity_Connect Three Game.pdf (6.5 MB)
  • Find Your Match_4年_Unit5_I have a pen Do you have a pen.pdf (3.26 MB)
  • 18
    Submitted by connichiwow September 17, 2024 Estimated time:

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