Let's Try 2 page 18

Do you have a pen?

Linked Activities

  • Color the Stationery Item

    Meant to be used for LT2 Unit 5

  • Stationery GO FISH card game

    Meant to review "Do you have ___?" statements and Unit 5 from Let's Try! 2 ("Do you have a pen?"). This is a printable GO FISH game with some Uno elements that make it more fun. Good for groups of 4.

  • SpyXFamily Pencil Case

    Simple classroom practice for stationary items, just made it fun with spy family gifs

  • Do you have______?

    It is a powerpoint presentation using a spotlight animation. The students will guess the hidden school material or "bunbougu."

  • School Bag Guessing Game LT2 U5

    Students guess what's in the ALT's school bag using "Do you have a OO?" ALT prepares a bag representative of their country.

  • Falling School Supplies (Let's Try 2 Unit 5)

    Have fun counting various school supplies falling from the ceiling, concluding with an epic pencil case kaiju battle!

  • 🐍 Snake Game (10+ PDFs!)

    Snake game boards for Elementary school based on the Let's Try and New Horizons textbooks. Enjoy!

  • Spy Game - Stationery

    Classic spy game edited for practicing stationery words and the grammar 'What do you have?' 'I have a....'

  • Speaking Games: Do you have a pen? I have 3 pens.

    ES 4年 Unit5: Stationery Let's Try Textbook Lesson Plan, Website Links for Tablet Activities, Gameboard Worksheets

  • "Do you have...?" Read aloud book

    A short read aloud book I created to support student's learning for Unit 5 of the Let's try 2 textbook.

  • Stationery Sugoroku 🖋️📓🗓️

    Short and sweet sugoroku based on already existing Canva design for students to enjoy for 4nensei Let’s Try 2 Unit 5.

  • Stationery Battle

    4th Grade Students use the phrase "do you have a ___?" to find someone with the same card as them to battle. They play janken and the winner takes both of the cards in question.

  • How many (Stationery)? - Let's Try 2 Unit 5

    Mario (with the help of Kirby) collects stationery and it's up to the students to count how many.


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