
NH2 Unit 5 Acitivties

activities based on grammar from Unit 5 of the New Horizon 2 textbook

hello friends!

I have created two card-based activties for my students that they loved!!

Activity 1: Do you know your friends?

This activity is based on the grammar from P. 73.

Essentially, I had students make groups of 4-6 people. In the group, the cards are distributed (with each student getting 1 card). The remaining cards are left in a pile in the middle. They will rock, paper, scissors to decide who starts first. The winner will read their card.

For example: Do you know when Christmas is?

The first person in the group to guess the correct answer wins the card and gets 1 point. If no one can answer, the original card owner keeps the card.

There are some cards using 'how to'. For those, I ask that students explain and/or demonstrate their knowledge of it.

Example: Do you know how to make sushi? Students should use gestures and explain the process. I tell them that Japanese is okay for the explanation.

I also encourage them to use English when responding to the question.

''Yes, I know how to...''
''No, I don't know what color you like.''


Activity 2: Matching or Karuta

This mixes grammar from P.73 & 74

For the sake of explaining another 'complicated' game to your students, if you say that this game is the same as Karuta, they will easily understand and you don't have to monitor the activity at all.

The way I originally intended the game to go was for students to lay all the cards face down and match the English sentence or question to the picture.


I have attached the CANVA links if you wish to edit some of the sentences or change the grammar entirely, up to you. If you have any ideas to improve the activities or questions, as always, feel free to ask!!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Do you know....pdf (30.9 MB)
  • Matching.pdf (13.1 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by tjp0916 October 23, 2024 Estimated time: up to 50 minutes

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