
YOU HAVE TO play this Boardgame! JHS 1年 Lesson 7.1

One World Textbook Lesson 7.1 I have to , I don't have to...; Reading Aloud + Acting out Game; Earn points by going around the boardgame and doing the gesture specified in the square you land on.

Files included:
Lesson plan (English and Japanese)
Boardgame File (print in A4 or B3, laminate, and distribute 1 boardgame per 3 people)

3 people - recommended group size to maximize turns per person, and have another person as tiebreaker for arguments,etc.

Other materials needed:
Dice - 1 per group of 3 students
Students' own: Eraser (placemarker), Notepad and Pencil (for scorekeeping)

  1. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible, by going around the boardgame.
  2. All erasers or place-markers will start at the START circle, with zero points.
  3. The group will decide which direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise direction; but the recommended direction is counterclockwise.)
  4. The 3 group members play “Rock, Scissors, Paper” to find out who will start first, second and third.
  5. For each player’s turn, the player will roll the dice (1-6), and step forward (as many steps as the dice number). Everyone must read aloud the sentence on the square together.
  6. If the square he lands on says “You have to ___”, the player must act out or do the gesture for 5 seconds. If all players agree that he has successfully completed the gesture, he gets the score indicated on the square.
  7. If the square he lands on says “You don’t have to ___”, the player can choose from 2 options. Option 1: he can choose not to do anything, but he will not get any points. Or Option 2: he can choose to do the difficult gesture, and if he is successful, he gets the score indicated on the square.
  8. Each player must write his own score, and add his/her total points after each turn.
  9. They take turns in playing.
  10. They keep going around the boardgame. If they pass the “START” circle (even if they don’t land on it exactly, as long as they go around the boardgame one time), they will automatically get 5 points.
  11. The game is finished when the time limit is finished.
  12. The person with the most points wins.

The "You have to" squares are supposed to be easy tasks that all of them can do, even if they are shy.
The "You don't have to" squares are supposed to be harder tasks that require more physical effort or more confidence, but it also equates to more points if done.

Hopefully, the class will be lively, with all groups doing various gestures at the same time.

Submitted by connichiwow December 5, 2024 Estimated time: 10 minutes, or any time limit is okay. The goal is to earn the most points within the time limit.
  1. korekara December 6, 2024

    Looks interesting! I'll try this one.

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