Flashcards of 30 different foods including 20 British foods. I'm always asked what food there is in the UK so I decided to make some flashcards showing some traditional British foods. I know I've missed some out but I didn't want there to be hundreds of flashcards. Obiviously we don't really eat jellied eels anymore in the UK but I thought it was a good one to have just to show what English people used to eat in London on a pretty regular basis.
It can be used to practice describing food and stating your opinions on certain foods as well.
British Food / Food Flashcards
Flashcards of 30 different foods including 20 British foods.
All content is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License.
As a fellow brit, i loved showing jellied eels in my introduction lessons because my family is from East London, and comparing it to eel in Japan, got a good reaction from the kids. nice slides though, might use them when I do introduction lessons again from april.