
Town map for directions

We used this town map to aid with my 7th graders (Middle school 1st years) and New Crown Take Action! Talk 4.

I created this map to aid with creating a scenario where my 7th graders would have to give directions from one point on the map to another. It can be done with partners or as an assessment with the ALT. Start by having one person choose a point on the map and asking the other person to please give them directions. We really focused on the dialogue from New Crown Take Action! 4, and emphasized saying, "Excuse me. How can I get to ____?" and then thanking the person who gave directions at the end with a "Thank you." This map can be used for several different class levels, and I ensured that there are plenty of different types of shops so that there are lots of options for students to choose where to go.

This can either be printed out or displayed on a screen, whatever works best for your class!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • town map.png (1.28 MB)
  • 0
    Submitted by Griffhannah January 16, 2025 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes

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