
Weird Festivals!

"Is there a _______ festival?" (insert weird festival)

You can conduct this individually or in group of 3 or 4 to encourage discussion and make it more fun.

  1. Give each student a copy of the worksheet and display the PowerPoint.
  2. For each of the ten questions, give the students enough time to figure out what each festival translates to, to write down the festival name, and to circle their answer "yes, there is" or "no, there isn't".
  3. Show the next slide to reveal the answer. The slide after that has a gif or short video to display the festival which they should find entertaining.
  4. The last slide has a map of the world so students can see where each of the aforementioned countries are located.

Please change the title as you wish eg Surprising Festivals etc

Small files
  • Weird Festivals.docx (170 KB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Is there a.pptx (77 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by mikanmudcake November 2, 2020 Estimated time: 30 minutes
    1. UonumaRobert November 4, 2020

      Cool quiz and I like the videos. But I’ll definitely use a different name, maybe interesting and exciting festivals from around the world and Japan. It might be good to add a couple of local ones here.

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