
Self-Intro: Team Quiz Format

Self-introduction with JHS or HS students asking the ALT questions.

Make sure you reveal no information about yourself beforehand, except perhaps your name.

In class, put students into teams of four or five. During the quiz, these teams will take turns asking a question in order to learn more about the new ALT.

However, teams can earn points depending on what type of question they ask.
-Yes/no questions earn a team one point.
-An open question (who, what, when, where, why, how, which, etc.) earns a team two points.
-Teams can earn even more points if they ask one of the "secret bonus" questions. At first, only mention these questions' existence. Don't reveal them individually until they have been asked. You may like to write them on magnetised cards and put them on the board; or type them in a pptx file and gradually reveal them; or even draw them out of a hat.

The "secret bonus" questions and their values are:

3 Points
When is your birthday?
Where are you from?
Where do you live?
What sport do you like?
How old are you?

4 Points
What animal do you like?
How many brothers/sisters do you have?
What time do you get up?

5 Points
How do you come to school?
What did you eat yesterday?
Which do you like better: Japan or {ALT's country}?
Where do you want to go in Japan?

6 Points
Why did you become an English teacher?
Why do you like Japan?

At the end of the lesson, the team with the most points is the winner.

Submitted by Keith Miyazaki April 1, 2022 Estimated time: 20-45 minutes
  1. serenabrann April 13, 2022

    I've done this in a few high school classes now, and it's gone over really well! It's a much more fun and interactive method of self-intro. I put the secret questions on a PowerPoint clicked to reveal them when they were asked. This allowed me to show pictures too.

  2. Keith Miyazaki April 14, 2022

    @serenabrann , I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you.

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