
Alphabet Pyramid

A good worksheet to practice alphabet or phonics.

I got this idea from my JTE. Hope this helps.
If this is your first time doing this activity, I suggest you demonstrate it with your HRT/JTE or in my case, my JTE explained the directions in Japanese to the students.
You need to make sure that everyone, especially, the students at the back can see the worksheet.

(I don't want to print it in a bigger paper. So what I do, I take a picture of the worksheet and project it in the bigger screen.)

The mechanics
- Before you start, you may want to practice or let your students identify the letters.
- Students need to encircle the letter they hear all the way down until they reach the *desired goal. (*or anything you want to add depending on your lessons. You can edit the letters and the pictures below the pyramid. )

-For example:
My goal is "VET". From the top there's "a" and "e". I say "e". Students should encircle the "e". Below the letter e would determine the next letter. It should be either letters d or b. (You can see the sample on the second page. )
- You can either use the alphabet itself or the sound of the alphabet. Also, It's better that you say it twice.

Submitted by jedybaldeo July 20, 2022 Estimated time: 5-8 minutes (Depends on the speed and the repetition)
  1. VinShida July 22, 2022

    I like this activity, I usually use it to teach/test phonics. I like that you use vocab as destinations. I've been just using numbers at the bottom. I think that I will change that now. Thanks for the idea!

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