
Halloween Alphabet Pyramid

2 Versions: Capital Letters and Small Letters Versions

This activity was inspired by jedybaldeo's Alphabet Pyramid. I just made it a Halloween theme.

Goal: To help students differentiate between some of the commonly confused letters in the Alphabet.

Materials: 1 Printout per student, eraser to mark the path (pencil is okay too)

- Teacher will review the letters by pointing to each letter in the pyramid and pronouncing the letter name. Students to repeat the letter name.
(Alternatively, letter sound can also be used.)
- Teacher to teach/review the Halloween character names.
- Teacher to tell students to listen to the sequence of letters he will slowly call out, and they must follow the correct letter to reach the correct monster. (For each letter, say it 2-3x and emphasize your mouth shape, so students can differentiate. For example, for M vs. N, make sure you emphasize the closed lips for M, etc.)
- At the end of each round, check if students got the correct monster, and review the path.

Alternate mechanics: allow students to pick their favorite monster, and draw a path from the bottom, going up. Then the students take turns as the leader, calling out the letters to make their classmates guess their monster.

Design made with Canva.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 3nensei_2023.10.18_Unit6_Alphabet capital letters_Halloween Alphabet Pyramid.pdf (1.37 MB)
  • 4nensei_2023.10.18_Unit6_Alphabet small letters_Halloween Alphabet Pyramid.pdf (1.37 MB)
  • 36
    Submitted by connichiwow October 23, 2023 Estimated time:
    Inspired by Alphabet Pyramid
    1. standingmountainjs October 24, 2023

      Thank you for the detailed instructions!

    2. ann5577 October 24, 2023


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